
2006-10-31 1:00 am

回答 (6)

2006-10-31 1:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
我之前答過差不多的問題, 等我比少少建議你.

1) 睇英文報紙係一個唔錯的方法, 當你遇到一個新的生字時, 你可以先從上文下理去估個生字點解. 之後再查字典. (我諗依家好多人都有用電子辭典, 所以查字都應該會好快). 你最好用一本簿仔記低d生字. 最好就寫埋那個字的 noun, adjective, 同adverb等等. 當你要自己寫一次個字, 同解釋的時候, 你會對那個字有較深的印象的, 亦會更易入腦. 最好就可以得閒就溫習一下那些生字. 等你可以更入腦.

2) 除了英文報紙外, 你都可以睇多d英文書. 最初的時候, 可以睇d簡單少少的, 短少少的. 到你對睇英文書有多d信心時, 再睇d長少少的, 深少少的. Harry Potter幾好睇, 如果你有睇過中文版, 現在可以睇下個英文版.

3) 睇英文dvd都好好. 但最好用英文字幕睇. 一來聽下佢地講咩, 一來可以學多d口語的英文.

4) 聽多d英文歌, 仲可以睇住歌詞, 跟住唱! 但我唔太建議你聽rap或者hip hop, 因為那些歌的英文通常都冇咁好. 而且會好易教壞你的英文.

以上的方法都可以幫你識更多的生字的. 但真係記住唔好懶查字典呀!!!
2006-11-04 6:02 am
Learning New Vocabulary

When you are learning a language, it is important to consider how you should learn and to be aware of some useful strategies. This is particularly important when you learn new vocabulary.

When people learn new words, they usually write them down. The way in which they write these new words down is important in helping them to remember the words.

One very common method, for example, is to have a vocabulary book in which to record all the new words. Some people write the words down in a list alphabetically or in no particular order, just as they learn them.

These are not very useful ways of recording new vocabulary as it can be difficult to find the new words again and, more important, learners do not usually remember the contents of a list if the words are not associated with one another in some way.

If you record words in lists, it is much more useful to record them according to the subject, for example, taking one important word like "credit", and writing down a number of words that are often used with it:

credit account
credit balance
credit card
credit control
credit limit
credit note

Another idea is to list a number of words associated with a particular area of business.

For example with "factory":
machine tools
shop floor
conveyor belt

Another useful way of writing down new vocabulary is to draw a word diagram about a particular subject, for example:

advertising budget advertising strategy
advertising campaign
mass media lesser media

When you learn a new word, you also need to know which other words you can use with it.

For example, with the word "payment" there are a number of different verbs which can be used:

to stop to receive to make
to delay PAYMENT to demand
to confirm to defer to cancel

You can also write words down in "families" showing the different parts of speech, for example:

(to) compete competition


competitive competitively

(It also helps to mark the word stress as
we have done here by underlining.)

All these strategies are much more useful than just writing a word down on its own. These ideas will help you when you are revising and trying to remember the new vocabulary that you have learnt.
2006-10-31 8:27 am
cramping stuff into your brain never works especially for languages. I'd suggest you to read read read and read. It doesn't have to be a book it can be an article, a magazine(in english..duh)
check the dictionary when needed.
Of course there are tutouring classes but going to those classes would be pointless if you don't catch up with some reading on your own.
watching tv programmes isn't a bad choice either.
and for your oral, practise makes perfect, really.

Use them when you're writing and stuff.... they'll help you streghten your memory with the word.
2006-10-31 1:24 am
2006-10-31 1:15 am
2006-10-31 1:04 am
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