
2006-10-31 12:20 am

「香港」之得名,其實與「香料」有密切的關係。香料是一種由香木的液汁凝結而成的固體,有的則是像檀香木一樣的枯木根,是當時許多香料製品的原料。以往人們多以器皿盛載香料,再用熱水熏蒸,以溢出的香氣來薰衣或靜修時點綴。當時東莞出產的香是南方最有名的,因此稱為「莞香」。今日新界大埔的沙螺灣、沙田的瀝源村都是當年盛產香的地方。這些從東莞運來及本地出產的香料,常由尖沙頭(即今天的尖沙咀)的香頭(運香用的碼頭)運至石排灣(今日香港仔一帶),在這裡的小港口集中後再轉運至各地。石排灣東北岸一帶因此逐漸被稱為「香港」,意即販買及運銷香料的港口。而位於港灣畔的村落亦以港口為名,稱為「香港村」。由於常受海盜滋擾,村民後來又建圍牆自保,故此「香港村」又稱為「香港圍」,即今天的黃竹坑舊圍一帶。後來英軍佔領香港島,在赤柱登陸後,由一名叫陳群的蜑民引路,到達今日中環一帶。當英軍途經「香港村」時,詢問該地的名稱,陳群以蜑語答稱「香港」,英人即以蜑音「HONG KONG」為記。自此以後,「香港」便成為了全島的名稱。

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回答 (3)

2006-10-31 12:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
“Hong Kong” acquiring fame, actually has the close relationship with “the spice”. The spice is one kind the solid which congeals by the fragrant wood juice becomes, some is likely the sandalwood same dead wood root, was at that time many spice product raw material. The former people many carry the spice by the household utensils, again uses the hot water fumigation, overflows the fragrance fumigates the clothes or calmly repairs time embellishes. At that time Dongguan produced the fragrance was south most famous, therefore was called “Wan to be fragrant”. Today the New Territory Dabu's sand spiral bay, the in draininged the source village all are the same year are rich in the fragrant place. These ship in the spice from Dongguan which and local produces, Chang Youjian Sha Tou (i.e. today Jianshazui) the fragrance (transports wharf which uses fragrant) to transport to Shi Paiwan (area today Hong Kong native), transports again after here minor port centralism to each place. Area therefore the Shi Paiwan northeast shore is called gradually “Hong Kong”, Italy namely buys for resale and the transportation and sale spice harbor. But is located the harbor bank the village also take the harbor as, is called “the Hong Kong village”. Because often receives the pirate to stir up trouble, the villagers afterwards constructed the fence self-preservation, therefore “the Hong Kong village” was called “Hong Kong to encircle” area, namely today yellow bamboo pit encircles old. Afterwards the British armed forces seized fragrant Hong Kong Island, after the Chek Chu debarkation, is called Chen the group by a name the people to lead the way, to arrive area today intermediate belt. When British armed forces way “Hong Kong village”, inquired this place the name, Chen Qunyi the language answers called “Hong Kong”, the English person namely “HONG KONG” as records take the sound. From now on after, “Hong Kong” has then become the entire island name.
參考: 自己
2006-11-01 5:25 am
Gaining the name of Hong Kong , in fact have close relations with ' the spices . Spices one condense by fragrant liquid juice of wood but solid that becomes, some are withered wooden roots like sandalwood, and raw materials of a lot of spices products at that time. People held the spices in year with the ware more in the past, use hot water to be stifling and then, is it smoke in order to fragrance that overflow clothing or quiet to intersperse while building to come. It is that the South was the most famous to be made in Dongguan and fragrant at that time, ' Guan was fragrant ' that called. The sand spiral shell gulf in Dabu of New Territory, the dripping the source village of Shatian are all the place where it is fragrant to abound with in that year today. These ship from Dongguan and the spices made in here, often (namely Tsim Sha Tsui of today) by the sharp sand head Spend fragrant luck quay of Transport and arrange gulves to the stone (the area of Aberdeen of today) ,Transport it to all parts after the small port here is centralized. Stone arrange gulf the Northeast bank is it known as ' Hong Kong ' gradually to bring, is it buy to sell buy and port, transportation and sales of spices to mean. And of harbour side village under the title of port, call ' the Hong Kong village ' also. Often created disturbances to by the pirate, villagers built enclosure self-insurance later, so ' the village of Hong Kong ' was also called ' Hong Kong enclosed ', namely enclose the area old in the yellow bamboo hole of today. Later on the army of Great Britain captures the Hong Kong Island, led the way by a member of a nationality called Chen Qun after landing in Stanley, reach the area of ZhongHuan of today. In Great Britain's army while passing by ' the village of Hong Kong ', inquire the name of this place, Chen Qun is answered and called ' Hong Kong ' with the language, the people of Great Britain, in order to write with the sound ' HONG KONG ' promptly. After this, ' Hong Kong ' becomes the name on the whole island.
參考: 你我自己好辛苦譯出泥架
2006-10-31 12:24 am
"Hong Kong" acquiring fame, actually has close relationship with "the spice". The spice is one kind the solid which congeals by the fragrant wood fluid juice becomes, some likes the sandalwood same dead wood root, was at that time many spices products raw material. The former people are many to the household utensils carry the spice, again uses hot water fumigation, overflows the fragrance fumigates the clothes or calmly repairs time embellishes. At that time Dongguan produced the fragrance was south most famous, therefore was called "Wan to be fragrant". Today New Territory Dabu's Sha Lowan, the Shatin draininged the source village all is the same year is rich in the fragrant place. These ship in the spice from Dongguan which and local produces, Chang Yuchien sand (namely today Jianshazui) 香頭 (transports wharf which fragrant uses) to transport to Shi P'aiwan (area today Hong Kong young), transports again after here minor port centralism to each place. East Shi P'aiwan north shore area therefore gradually is called "Hong Kong", Italy namely buys for resale and the transportation and sale spice harbor. But is located the harbor bank the village also take the harbor as, is called "the Hong Kong village". Because often receives the pirate to stir up trouble, the villagers afterwards constructed the fence self-preservation, therefore "the Hong Kong village" was called "Hong Kong to encircle" area, namely today Huang Chuk'eng old encircles. Afterwards the English armed force seized fragrant Hong Kong Island, landed after the Chek Chu, is called Chen the group by a name 蜑 the people to lead the way, to arrive area today intermediate belt. When English armed force way "Hong Kong village", inquired this place the name, Chen Ch'uni the 蜑 language answers called "Hong Kong", the English person namely "HONG KONG" as records take 蜑 the sound. From now on after, "Hong Kong" has then become the entire island name.
2006-10-31 12:24 am
“Hong Kong” acquiring fame, actually has the close relationship with “the spice”. The spice is one kind the solid which congeals by the fragrant wood juice becomes, some is likely the sandalwood same dead wood root, was at that time many spice product raw material. The former people many carry the spice by the household utensils, again uses the hot water fumigation, overflows the fragrance fumigates the clothes or calmly repairs time embellishes. At that time Dongguan produced the fragrance was south most famous, therefore was called “Wan to be fragrant”. Today the New Territory Dabu's sand spiral bay, the Shatin draininged the source village all are the same year are rich in the fragrant place. These ship in the spice from Dongguan which and local produces, Chang Youjian Sha Tou (i.e. today Jianshazui) the fragrance (transports wharf which uses fragrant) to transport to Shi Paiwan (area today Hong Kong native), transports again after here minor port centralism to each place. Area therefore the Shi Paiwan northeast shore is called gradually “Hong Kong”, Italy namely buys for resale and the transportation and sale spice harbor. But is located the harbor bank the village also take the harbor as, is called “the Hong Kong village”. Because often receives the pirate to stir up trouble, the villagers afterwards constructed the fence self-preservation, therefore “the Hong Kong village” was called “Hong Kong to encircle” area, namely today yellow bamboo pit encircles old. Afterwards the British armed forces seized fragrant Hong Kong Island, after the Chek Chu debarkation, is called Chen the group by a name 蜑 the people to lead the way, to arrive area today intermediate belt. When British armed forces way “Hong Kong village”, inquired this place the name, Chen Qunyi the 蜑 language answers called “Hong Kong”, the English person namely “HONG KONG” as records take 蜑 the sound. From now on after, “Hong Kong” has then become the entire island name.

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