請問out there 同over there 0既分別係?

2006-10-30 10:41 pm
請問out there同 over there 0既分別係?

回答 (3)

2006-10-31 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
The car is out there (the exact location of the car is not known).
The car is over there (the location of the car is positive because you can point to it).
The football is out there somewhere on the field. (the football is somewhere on the field, but you do not know exactly where it is)
The football is over there, can you see it? (you can point to the football)
2006-10-31 12:23 am
out there = o係「出面」, 亦引申指在「社會」裡...
over there = o係「o個邊」, 在那裡...

[例一] There are a lot of unscrupulous shops out there. 我們的社會裡存在著很多無良的店舖.
[例二] ”Where is the remote?” ”Oh, I put it over there...” ”個遙控o係邊?” ”啊, 我擺o左o係o個邊...”

2006-11-02 17:12:11 補充:
out there = location not specified, not necessarily not known. Consider the meaning of your first example again but without the ’somewhere’.
2006-10-30 10:46 pm
out there 向那邊
over there adv.那里

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