
2006-10-30 10:23 pm


回答 (2)

2006-10-30 10:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
政務司司長(簡稱政務司,英文:Chief Secretary for Administration, CS.
財政司財政司司長(簡稱財政司,英文:Financial Secretary, FS)
律政司司長(簡稱律政司長,英文:Secretary of Justice, SJ)

公務員事務局(英文:Civil Service Bureau, CSB)
政制事務局(英文:Constitutional Affairs Bureau, CAB)
教育統籌局(簡稱教統局,英文:Education and Manpower Bureau, EMB)
環境運輸及工務局(簡稱環運局,英文:Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, ETWB)
衛生福利及食物局(簡稱衛福局,英文:Health, Welfare and Food Bureau, HWFB)
民政事務局(簡稱民政局,英文:Home Affairs Bureau, HAB)
房屋及規劃地政局(英文:Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau, HPLB)
保安局(英文:Security Bureau, SB)
工商及科技局(英文:Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau, CITB)
經濟發展及勞工局(英文:Economic Development and Labour Bureau, EDLB)
財經事務及庫務局(英文:Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau, FSTB)

2006-10-30 14:48:31 補充:
政務司司長:許仕仁 Rafael Hui財政司司長:唐英年 Donald Tsang 律政司司長:黃仁龍 Wong Yan Lung 公務員事務局(局長:俞宗怡.Denise Yue 政制事務局(局長:林瑞麟 Stephen Sui-lung Lam

2006-10-30 14:48:43 補充:
環境運輸及工務局(局長:廖秀冬)Sarah Liao Sau-Tung衛生福利及食物局(局長:周一嶽)York Chow 民政事務局(局長:何志平)Dr. Patrick Ho房屋及規劃地政局(局長:孫明揚) Michael Suen保安局(局長:李少光) Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong經濟發展及勞工局(局長:葉澍堃) Stephen Ip財經事務及庫務局(局長:馬時亨)Frederick Ma Si-hang
2006-10-30 10:37 pm
Chief Secretary for Administration's Office
Chief Secretary for Administration :Mr Rafael Hui Si-yan

Financial Secretary's Office
Financial Secretary :Mr Henry Tang Ying-yen

Department of Justice
Secretary for Justice :Mr Wong Yan-lung

Housing, Planning and Lands Bureau
Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands: Mr Michael Suen Ming-yeung

Education and Manpower Bureau
Secretary for Education and Manpower :Professor Arthur Li Kwok-cheung

Health, Welfare and Food Bureau
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food :Dr York Chow Yat-ngok

Civil Service Bureau
Secretary for the Civil Service: Miss Denise Yue Chung-yee

Home Affairs Bureau
Secretary for Home Affairs: Dr Patrick Ho Chi-ping

Economic Development and Labour Bureau
Secretary for Economic Development and Labour: Mr Stephen Ip Shu-kwan

Environment, Transport and Works Bureau
Secretary for the Environment, Transport and Works :Dr Sarah Liao Sau-tung

Financial Services and the Treasury Bureau
Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury: Mr Frederick Ma Si-hang

Constitutional Affairs Bureau
Secretary for Constitutional Affairs: Mr Stephen Lam Sui-lung

Security Bureau
Secretary for Security: Mr Ambrose Lee Siu-kwong

Commerce, Industry and Technology Bureau
Secretary for Commerce, Industry and Technology :Mr Joseph Wong Wing-ping

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 15:45:38
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