請答2條題~!10 marks thx ^^

2006-10-30 9:34 pm
請列步驟~thx ^^

5.a hockey team played 24 games.the number of games that they won was 10 more than that they lost.the number of games that they lost was 2 less that that they tied.how many games did they won,lose and tied?

6.the cost of a keyboard is $20 more than that of a mouse.if Nelson buys 8 mouses,he has to pay $10 less than buying 5 keyboards.how much is a keyboard?

回答 (3)

2006-11-01 6:59 am
answer it yourself
let me explane amami_no_kuro_usage`s answer in 5.
5. let x be the no. of games they lost
3x=12 < he took the3 X away became 3X,so the question become 3X+10+2=24
x=4 < so 12÷3= 4
=4+10 < 4 is lose
=4+2 < 4 is lose

2006-10-30 17:28:30 補充:
參考: amami_no_kuro_usage
2006-10-30 9:43 pm
係唔係你D工課嚟架? 係就唔該你用吓個腦諗啦! 根本一D都唔難! Set formula 去搵答案啫, 咁都唔識, 你第時點考試呀!

2006-10-30 13:44:30 補充:

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