The definition of contrive attraction?

2006-10-30 8:16 pm
Please answer in English!

回答 (2)

2006-10-30 10:04 pm
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contrived attraction = 非天然的, 人為的, 或欠地道的景點.
例如美國的大峽谷是一個天然的景點, 我們的「金紫荊廣場」就很明顯是刻意「製造」出來吸引遊客的景點, 完全沒有甚麼文化背景, 也和香港的歷史扯不上任何關係; 所以後者可說是 contrived attraction, 前者不能.
答案其實 vmclam 已答了你.
2006-10-30 8:28 pm
1. It should be contrived attraction.
2. Contrived means "planned in advance rather than being spontaneous or genuine "
3. Attraction means "something that attracts"
參考: Oxford dictionary

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