
2006-10-30 7:59 pm
Simplify cos(3派/2 +A) / tan(A-派) + 1/ tan(派/2-A) -cos (A-2派)


派 means π? 係 電腦上點打呢個符號出黎?

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 8:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think 派 means π
cos(3π/2+A)/tan (A-π)+1/tan(π/2-A)-cos (A-2π)
=sin A/tan[2π-(π-A)]+tan A-cos[2π-(2π-A)]
=sin A/tan (π+A)+tan A-cos A
=sin A/tan A+tan A-cos A
=cos A+tan A-cos A
=tan A

2006-10-30 12:42:13 補充:
0 0,cos B 0, tan B 0π/2 0, cos B 03π/2 0, tan B

2006-10-30 12:42:41 補充:
If A is an acute anglesin (π/2士A)=cos Acos (π/2士A)=干sin Atan (π/2-A)=干cot A (which equals to 1/tan A)sin (π士A)=干sin Acos (π士A)=-cos Atan (π士A)=士tan Asin (3π/2士A)=-cos Acos (3π/2士A)=士sin Atan (3π/2士A)=干cot Asin (2π士A)=士sin Acos (2π士A)=cos Atan (2π士A)=士tan A
2006-10-30 8:40 pm
cos(3π/2 + A)/tan(A - π) + 1/tan(π/2 - A) - cos(A - 2π)
= -sinA/tanA + 1/(1/tanA) - cosA
= -sinA(cosA/sinA) + tanA - cosA
= tanA - 2cosA

Facts to remember:-π/2, π/2, 3π/2, 5π/2 ---> change sin to cos, cos to sin, tan to 1/tan. -π, π, 2π, 3π ---> no need to change.
Use C.A.S.T to think about the angle is in which quadrant. If cos(X) in C or A, it should be positive sign +cos(X), otherwise it should be negative sign -cos(X). sin(X) and tan(X) also like that.
參考: myself
2006-10-30 8:35 pm
I think 派 means π
cos(3π/2+A)/tan (A-π)+1/tan(π/2-A)-cos (A-2π)
=sin A/tan[2π-(π-A)]+tan A-cos[2π-(2π-A)]
=sin A/tan (π+A)+tan A-cos A
=sin A/tan A+tan A-cos A
=cos A+tan A-cos A
=tan A
希望幫到你 求你選我最佳答案

2006-10-30 12:36:59 補充:
派 means π是唔是??_?
參考: me

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