
2006-10-30 7:23 pm
1.有外國客打黎...佢問d資料 .. .而我又唔清楚.. .咁我應該點講?
2.對方搵o個個人..更本間公司冇o個個人. .咁點講?
3.如果叫對方 . ..跟住我去某一個地方. . .咁點講??

**因為我是接待工作的. ..請問仲有冇d常用到的英文呢?

回答 (4)

2006-10-30 9:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.I am sorry, I am not too sure, may I pass you to one of our company representative to answer your questions? Please hold the line. [....transfering]

2. I am sorry, but we don;t have XXX in the company. Did you know him/her by any other names? [make sure no on work in the company] Sorry, tell him/her he/she got the wrong number.

3a. Would you like to come with me to XXX?
3b. Would you like to follow me to 'this place'?

Something you can say sometimes.
One moments, please.
Please hold the line, please.
I beg you pardon, I didn;t hear you properly.
Can you speak up a little bit, please? I can't hear you clearly.
Can I have your contact details, and i will tell XXX to contact you when he/.she back in the office.
XXX is not in the office, would you like to leave a message?
參考: myself
2006-11-01 12:42 am
1. oh, i am sorry, i am not familiar with this information, do you mind to leave a message and i will ask the officer in-charge to call you back? (因為你唔識都唔可以得失個客.一定要揾人覆返佢)

2. oh, i am sorry, that is not such as Mr XX / Miss XX in this company. Can i help u?

3. Hi,may i show you the way? / follow me please, sir / madam.
2006-10-30 7:35 pm
1:Sir/Madam! Sorry! I have no idea, maybe you may ask other one.
2:Sorry..She/He is not work at there.Please Check Again~!
3:Please followed me,we are going to XXXXX(Some Where)
2006-10-30 7:34 pm
1) I'm sorry, would you mind I tranfer another salesman / enginneer to answer your question?
2) I'm sorry, may be you dial a wrong number, there has no one call Mr. / Ms xxx.
3) Would you please follow me to the recieption room / xxxx room.
you are welcome.

2006-10-30 11:35:04 補充:
1) I am sorry, would you mind I tranfer another salesman / enginneer to answer your question?2) I am sorry, may be you dial a wrong number, there has no one call Mr. / Ms xxx.3) Would you please follow me to the recieption room / xxxx room.you are welcome.

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