PLease translate the following message into english

2006-10-30 4:16 pm
URGENT,PLEASE TANSLATE THE FOLLWING MESSAGE,my grammars are very bad,please help!

內容:現時世界充滿爭執或戰爭,例如北韓的試射核彈,引起美國很大的回嚮,又或是前數年美國攻打依拉克的事件,造成很多的人名傷亡,而且又有很多家庭的傷害!成千上萬的子女的爸爸死於戰爭中! 傷心不斷"倍徊"於死者的家屬,這會阻礙她們將來的發展,遒其是心理上的健康!所以我希望天主會帶領我們,保佑我們的平安!我亦希望祢會帶領我們的總統喬治步殊,在他的政治處理上有聰明的智慧!不要再發動戰爭,造成更多人的傷亡!


回答 (1)

2006-10-30 6:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
World Peace

Conflicts and wars are relentless in the world nowadays. For instance, the deviant nuclear weapons test conducted in North Korea recently have shocked.the US (government? society?). And the invasion of US to Iraq have cost countless of innocents' life in the pass few years , hundreds of families damaged, thousands of children's father died. The victums' relatives are consumed by grief and sorrow, this would be one of the many obstacles they will have to face in the near future, especially in the aspect of their mental well being. Therefore I wish our Lord the mighty will guide us, deliver us from harm, I also wish our Lord will guide the US President, George W. Bush, to grant him wisdom on making the political decisions, do not lead the world to war again, and cause no more of unnecessary death!

Why would we make such wishes?
I want each of you to realize that lives are priceless. Many of those US soldiers do not want to join the war, they only go due to the military order, some of them might never come back. So, (huh?) i hope all of you to live you life fully with every effort, and pray for peace!

(being a fellow Christian, i wish you can improve not only your English, but Chinese as well, and most of all, to speak logically, Amen)

2006-10-30 10:46:53 補充:
sorry, it is supposed to be (Why would I make such wishes?)

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