format 唔到部機哦 XP 黎架~

2006-10-30 12:39 pm

不過reinstall 個window xp d files 全部都係晒度既~~只係唔同user name 用**

我想剷晒d 野佢呀~因為太多files了,,



回答 (2)

2006-10-30 5:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
During the Windows XP installation, after you accept the license agreement, you will be asked to choose the windows location. If you want to format the c:, press (D) to remove the C drive. then follow the step to remove it. After that, your hard drive will become empty. And you can continue to install Windows XP as normal.
2006-10-30 1:41 pm
=.= 重裝windows同format無關...你重裝後hard disk file仲o係度的
要去setup format

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