
2006-10-30 5:59 am
香港濕地公園的詳細資料 (英語)
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2006-10-30 6:32 am
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Hong Kong Wetland Park

The Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism facility aimed at promoting green tourism, education on environmental protection and wetland conservation.

It is home to a stunning array of wildlife including birds, dragonflies, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, butterflies and fish!

The park includes a 10,000m2 Visitor's Centre, a Wetland Interactive World and a 60-hectare Wetland Reserve.

Inside the Wetland Interactive World visitors will find themed exhibition galleries, a theatre, a souvenir shop, an indoor play area (swamp adventure) and a resource centre.

The themed exhibition galleries range in size from 250m2 to 1,200m2 and showcase the importance of wetlands on biodiversity, civilization and conservation.

The park's Wetland Reserve is a man-made wetland recreating habitats specially designed for waterfowls and other wildlife. Visitors can enjoy a hands-on experience at the wetland Discovery Centre within the Reserve.

Other outside facilities include a Stream Walk, Mangrove Boardwalk and three Bird Hides that allow visitors to get up close to different habitats of various wildlife.

Hong Kong Wetland Park has a comprehensive website where you can book tickets online and find out about the various tours and "get-to-know'' sessions on offer. There's also information and maps detailing all the things to see and do at the park. It is recommended that you visit their website first to best plan your outing.

While touring the park, visitors should avoid contact with wild birds, their droppings and feathers. If you should come into contact with such, thoroughly wash your hands with water and liquid soap, alcohol-soaked tissue paper or alcohol-based hand wash. If see a sick or dead wild bird, please immediately inform the Wetland Park staff who will arrange for collection for laboratory testing.

Opening Hours:
Wednesday to Monday and public holidays: 10am - 5pm
(Ticket service closes at 4pm)
Tuesdays (except public holidays): Closed
First and second days of the Chinese New Year: Closed

Ticket Admission Fee ( HK$ )
Adult Ticket $30
Child (Aged 3 - below 18) / Full-time Student / Senior (Aged 65 or above) $15
Infant under 3 Free

Visitors can buy tickets online or at the Wetland Park ticket office (open from 9:30am to 4pm) on the day of visit. Groups of over 10 people can enjoy a discount and make advance reservation online.

How to get there:
1. Take KCR West Rail to Tin Shui Wai station, change for Light Rail (Route 705 or 706) and get off at Wetland Park station. The Park is a five-minute walk.

2. Take bus 967 from Admiralty (West) and get off at Grandeur Terrace bus stop, then walk for three minutes.

2006-10-29 22:36:27 補充:
The park covers more than 60 hectares and contains exhibits, galleries, outdoor walking trails and more. It’s an incredible outdoors experience for nature lovers and the kids love all the hands-on stuff

2006-10-29 22:36:45 補充:
Hong Kong Wetland Park Located north of Yuen Long in the New Territories, this recently opened state-of-the-art green tourism facility provides a fantastic insight into Hong Kong’s world-famous wetlands with their stunning array of birds, amphibians
2006-10-30 7:01 am
The Hong Kong Wetland Park

Basic Information
a. Name of Building Hong Kong Wetland Park - Wetland Park Visitor Center (Phase 1)
b. Location Wetland Park Road, Tin Shui Wai, N.T., Hong Kong
c. Construction Period Jul 2000 - Dec 2000
d. Completion Date Dec 2000
e. Contract Sum HK$16 Million
f. Owner Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department
g. Architect Architectural Service Department
h. Structural & Geotechnical Engineer Architectural Service Department
i. Building Service Engineer Architectural Service Department
j. Quantity Surveyor Architectural Service Department
k. Major Function Public Institution
l. Site Area 6055 sq m
m. Total GFA 228 sq m
n. No. of Stories 15 stories
o. Award Received 2000 HKIA Annual Awards - President`s Prize

The Hong Kong Wetland Park (HKWP) project is a millennium capital works project designated by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

The Hong Kong Wetland Park was originally intended to be an ecological mitigation area (EMA) for the wetlands lost due to Tin Shui Wai New Town development. In 1998, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and the Hong Kong Tourism Board initiated the (nternational Wetland Park and Visitor Centre Feasibility Study) on expanding the EMA to a wetland ecotourism attraction. The study concluded that it was feasible to develop a Wetland Park at the EMA site without compromising its intended ecological mitigation functions.

The Hong Kong Wetland Park demonstrates the diversity of the Hong Kong`s wetland ecosystem and highlights the need to conserve them. It presents an opportunity to provide an education and recreation venue with a theme on the functions and values of wetlands for use by local residents and overseas visitors. Phase 1 venue was opened in December 2000 and it consists of the exhibition halls, classroom, an office, toilets and six external out-stations.
2006-10-30 6:05 am
The Hong Kong Wetland Park is a world-class ecotourism facility aimed at promoting green tourism, education on environmental protection and wetland conservation.

It is home to a stunning array of wildlife including birds, dragonflies, amphibians, mammals, reptiles, butterflies and fish!

The park includes a 10,000m2 Visitor's Centre, a Wetland Interactive World and a 60-hectare Wetland Reserve.

Inside the Wetland Interactive World visitors will find themed exhibition galleries, a theatre, a souvenir shop, an indoor play area (swamp adventure) and a resource centre.

The themed exhibition galleries range in size from 250m2 to 1,200m2 and showcase the importance of wetlands on biodiversity, civilization and conservation.

The park's Wetland Reserve is a man-made wetland recreating habitats specially designed for waterfowls and other wildlife. Visitors can enjoy a hands-on experience at the wetland Discovery Centre within the Reserve.

Other outside facilities include a Stream Walk, Mangrove Boardwalk and three Bird Hides that allow visitors to get up close to different habitats of various wildlife.

Hong Kong Wetland Park has a comprehensive website where you can book tickets online and find out about the various tours and "get-to-know'' sessions on offer. There's also information and maps detailing all the things to see and do at the park. It is recommended that you visit their website first to best plan your outing.

While touring the park, visitors should avoid contact with wild birds, their droppings and feathers. If you should come into contact with such, thoroughly wash your hands with water and liquid soap, alcohol-soaked tissue paper or alcohol-based hand wash. If see a sick or dead wild bird, please immediately inform the Wetland Park staff who will arrange for collection for laboratory testing.

Opening Hours:
Wednesday to Monday and public holidays: 10am - 5pm
(Ticket service closes at 4pm)
Tuesdays (except public holidays): Closed
First and second days of the Chinese New Year: Closed
Ticket Admission Fee ( HK$ )
Adult Ticket $30
Child (Aged 3 - below 18) / Full-time Student / Senior (Aged 65 or above) $15
Infant under 3 Free

Visitors can buy tickets online or at the Wetland Park ticket office (open from 9:30am to 4pm) on the day of visit. Groups of over 10 people can enjoy a discount and make advance reservation online.

How to get there:

Take KCR West Rail to Tin Shui Wai station, change for Light Rail (Route 705 or 706) and get off at Wetland Park station. The Park is a five-minute walk.

Take bus 967 from Admiralty (West) and get off at Grandeur Terrace bus stop, then walk for three minutes.
2006-10-30 6:04 am

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 20:49:39
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