中六 轉讀 ive

2006-10-30 3:48 am
我ce 15分,但完全無興趣讀AL
加上我ce中eng syllabus( A )得E
AL 99%會fail eng,所以升上大學的機會很渺茫
在retake ce中取得高grade,然後再去讀ive的HD year2
還有是不是在來臨的CE retake eng 中只要達到ive HD 收生中的英文科合格要求就能入讀4年制HD的第2年級呢?

回答 (1)

2006-10-30 10:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
in my view, your choice is correct~ if you can expect that you cannnot pass AS UE, then complete F.7 is meaningless because F.6 and F.7 only a capstone for you promote to university, so I think that change to IVE course and study the field that you like and you can also promote to university after you finish to study IVE HD~

yes, if you can meet the requirement of IVE, you can study in year 2 in the 4-year course, but I also need to remine that these courses are market fee course, the school fee is higher than the government fund course, so if you want to study in these courses, you need to think about your financial condition~

hope that I can answer your question la~^^

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