
2006-10-30 2:57 am
從chemical properties黎睇...
conc. sulpuric acid同dil. sulphuric acid有咩分別呀@@?

回答 (5)

2006-10-30 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Differences in chem. prop. cover 4 areas

Area A :
The oxidising power of Conc.H2SO4 is much stronger than dil. H2SO4

Conc.H2SO4 can oxidze metal / non - metal / compounds
It is commonly reduced to SO2

Area B :

Conc. sulphuric acid act as a dehydrating agent but dil. H2SO4 cannot
(CuSO4-5H2O ---- CuSO4 + 5H2O)

I hereby say 2 areas , if u want to know more , pls e- mail to me

[email protected]
2006-10-30 4:56 am
dil. sulphuric acid 只是一個強的無機酸,再沒有甚麽特別的化學性質。

conc. sulpuric acid除了是一個強的無機酸之外,還是一個強氧化劑,例如一般無機酸會與銅反應,但濃硫酸會,尤其是熱的濃硫酸。


CuSO4-5H2O ---> CuSO4 + 5H2O

CuSO4-5H2O 是藍色的。而
無水CuSO4 是無色的。
2006-10-30 3:46 am
conc. sulpuric acid是濃硫酸dil. sulphuric acid是稀硫酸.但不會因濃d而酸d,即pH值變低,而是molarity(摩爾濃度)不同,即conc. sulpuric acid的molarity比dil. sulphuric acid高.
參考: 自己
2006-10-30 3:40 am
從chemical properties黎睇...
conc. sulpuric acid同dil. sulphuric acid有咩分別呀@@?

2006-10-30 3:25 am
sulpuric acid強酸一些。
dil. sulphuric acid弱酸一些。

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