differences between plants in dry and humid plant house

2006-10-30 2:47 am
Why there are such big difference between the plants grown in the dry plant house(plants in the desert) and the humid plant houses(plants in the tropical forest)?( the plant houses in the hong kong park)
Pls ans in eng
thx : )

回答 (2)

2006-10-30 3:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is becausethe plants that live in desert do not have enough water so they need to make the leaves like a needle.And the needles(leaves) can save more water.
The plants that live in tropical forest do not have enough sunlight but too much water so that the leaves must be big and smooth.This can make the water which stay in the leaves wiil not stay there and disturb the leaves to breath the air.The big leaves can have more sunlight get into the leaves.
參考: me
2006-10-31 12:49 am
It is because of their different climates, the climate in desert is hot and dry, the plants have to conserve water in order to survive, because there is very few cloud in the desert, the sun can shine directly on the ground, therefore, water is evaporated easily and quickly. Because of these, plants in the Dry Plant House have got spikey leaves, extensive roots and short, green stems, which are all used to minimize the rate of losing water. The climate in tropical rainforest is wet and hot, the plant have to drain away the excess water, because there is no dry months in the rainforests. The Plants are tall and they block the sunshine, so that the excess water cannot be drained away easily. Because of these, plants in the Humid Plant House have got leaves which have smooth surface and drip tip, also roots grow above ground, which are all used to get rid of the excess water.
參考: own knowledge

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