***** 心急人: 在美國出生的子女 - 在香港打預防針問題 *****

2006-10-30 2:23 am
我兒子是在美國出生, 現時持有特區護照, 現在是香港永久性居民, 但非在港出生.

想問: 他可不可以在香港免費享有注射新生嬰兒的疫苗, 好似普通在港出生的嬰兒一樣呢


回答 (3)

2006-10-30 4:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
yes, you can enjoy the free service.
but please note that, some vaccine are not available in public system, and u still have to pay for it in private sections, e.g. rotavirus, Hibs, varicella, etc.
also, the vaccine provided by public system are of low-cost which may cause more side-effect e.g. fever.
since you didnt mention how how is ur kid.. the following phone no. may help 28903808
參考: information from antenatal class last week.
2006-10-31 7:11 am
如果bb是香港永久性居民係可以免費去健康院打針ga!! 我個friend 都同你既情況一樣, 你去就近既健康院book就ok ga la!!
2006-10-30 2:42 am

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