Where is Penny's Bay ( 急急急)

2006-10-30 2:13 am
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penny's bay 歷史

回答 (2)

2006-10-30 11:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Penny's Bay or Chok Ko Wan (竹篙灣) is a bay in north-eastern Lantau Island, and is the site of the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, which consists of the Hong Kong Disneyland theme park, Disneyland Hotel and Disney's Hollywood Hotel, and the Inspiration Lake. It is connected by a highway and a rail connection on the MTR Disneyland Resort Line to Sunny Bay Station.

Before the reclamation of the bay, Cheoy Lee Shipyard (財利船廠)operates in the bay for years. Years of operations accumulated 30000 cubic metres of dioxin in the soil, with heavy metals and hydrocarbons. The solid was dug and transferred to To Kau Wan (倒扣灣) in the north shore of Northeast Lantau for temporary processing, and finally incinerated at the Chemical Waste Treatment Centre on the Tsing Yi Island. The estimated cost is up to 450 million Hong Kong dollars.
2006-10-30 2:18 am
on lantau island

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 17:51:24
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