
2006-10-30 1:39 am
What is monsoon?

What is monsoon system?

回答 (4)

2006-11-02 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案

Monsoon system:

The earth surface is made up of land and sea.Land absorbs and loses heat more quickly than sea.The great temperature difference between land and sea creates monsoon winds.Monsoon winds blow in oppoiste directions in difference seasons.

除此之外,分為summer monsoon同winter monsoon

Summer monsoon:

In summer,the continent isheated up by the sun.Air becomes hot and it rises.Air pressure over the continent is low.

Water absorbs heat more slowly than land.Therefore,air over the sea is relatively cooler than over the land.

Air moves from high pressure areas to low pressure areas.Thus,wind blows from the ocean towards the southern and eastern parts of Asis.This is onshore wind.Onshore summer monsoon winds carry a lot of moisture.They bring rains to coastal regions.Therefore,the coastal regions of China,including Hong Kong,are wet in summer.

Winter monsoon:

In winter,the land loses heat more quickly than the sea.The land surface is colder than the sea surface.Cold air over theland sinks.As a result,air pressure over the land is higher than over the sea.Wind blows from the land to the sea and is,therefore,offshore.Offshore winter monsoon winds are dry.The areas influenced by the winter monsoon are dry in winter.

我諗你除左要我地答中文解釋之外,應該要答埋monsoon system本身個解釋掛?仲要係英文回答?係唔係?
參考: geog書
2006-10-30 2:41 am
參考: me
2006-10-30 1:50 am
2006-10-30 1:48 am

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