
2006-10-30 1:35 am

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 10:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am also study in Arts when I was a secondary school students~

to be honest, if you study in Arts, you not have so many choices, ofcouse you can study in some Arts courses such as chinese language, languages, translate, chinese history, geography courses la~

on the other hand, you can also study in business, social science courses ge such as marketing, finance, accounting or economics, public administrations, social work, education and so on~

in JUPAS, you can see that so many courses are science courses and study in Arts cannot choose ne~ I am also the one and study business when I study in university~

hope that my experience can give some inspiration to you la~
2006-10-31 4:26 am
GOOD!!! 加油!!!
2006-10-30 9:08 am
是人選科, 不是科選人.

收你, 但你唔鐘意都係冇用.
大學YR1都係讀基本野, 會幫大家報一報底. 但係如果之前無讀過就要比心機 & 努力D. 因此佢可能把中學1-2年野, 於1科內教哂, 當然, 教得多並不代表考得難.

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