
2006-10-29 9:09 pm

回答 (6)

2006-10-29 9:28 pm
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America and American:

America, is a term originally referring to all of the New World (also called the Americas), its usage has evolved over time, and differs from uses of cognate words in other languages.

The word "American" in other languages have primarily the pan-American function. For example, the Spanish americano generally refers to the entire New World;

By the 1500s, the word American was used by Europeans for the indigenous habitants of the New World and was extended to describe newly settled Europeans and their mixed progeny. In 1776, the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation proclaimed a new country, "The United States of America". Above the signatories of the Articles of Confederation it states as follows: "In Witness whereof we have hereunto set our hands in Congress. Done at Philadelphia in the State of Pennsylvania the ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Eight, and in the Third Year of the independence of America." It is noteworthy that only the word America, not the United States, was used.

Since the late 18th century American has been used in both the historical continental sense and to refer to the United States of America.
參考: Edited from Wikipedia
2006-10-29 9:16 pm
america= 美洲
參考: teachers
2006-10-29 9:15 pm
america 是 美國


2006-10-29 9:13 pm
美國, The United States.
The landmasses and islands of North America, Central America, and South America.
參考: 字典
2006-10-29 9:13 pm
1. 美國
2. 美洲
2006-10-29 9:12 pm
美國(The United States of America)

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