
2006-10-29 8:38 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes you MUST indicate the state of something when writing a chemical equation, ie. (s) for solid; (l) for liquid; (aq) for aqueous; (g) for gas. Be careful that (l) and (aq) are NOT the same.
你們介不介意你們會考化學科的成績? No I can't tell you that because I did that overseas...but I still won't tell you how I went I my exam! =P

2006-10-29 16:41:03 補充:
in my exam...sorry
2006-11-07 2:27 am
參照以往香港會考化學科的評分,若題目要求寫狀態符號的話,狀態符號是會評分的; 但若沒有說明要求寫狀態符號的話,狀態符號是不會評分的,就算寫了,無論對錯也不扣分。
2006-10-30 4:31 pm
yes you have to write the state symbol. especially when there is change of state, such as Cu2+(aq)+ ON-(aq) -----> Cu(OH)2 (s). if you do not write the state symbol, must will be decucted.

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