用travel visa 在美國居留??

2006-10-29 8:35 pm
我剛拿到10年美國travel visa, 我男朋友係美國(佢有綠卡, 未係citizenship), 我想問我有什麼方法可以stay係果邊?? (ps: travel visa 最長只可以住6months)
其實可唔可以用travel visa過到去再轉working/ student visa架呢??

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you apply for F-1 visa after coming to the US with a travel visa, you can leave the country (for vacation or something else), but you will not be allowed to re-enter the US

I strongly discourage you to go to the US with a travel visa and apply for a F-1 visa or getting married right away. Here is an example of a girl got denied when she applied for change of status (I-485) because she had lied about her true intention when she entered the US. 入境的真正目的導致I-485被拒 http://www.epochtimes.com/b5/6/9/24/n1464625.htm
What you may do is like this example says, you wait at least 3 months before getting married. Then you may have a better chance that 移民局 may 相信你是看望男朋友﹐後來實際情況發生變化﹐意外地決定結婚﹐申請綠卡。
參考: http://www.epochtimes.com, uscis and myself
2006-12-07 3:25 am
旅遊visa過到去再轉工作/學生visa係唔得ga! 佢地係唔會批你的,唔會比 social security# 你,仲之你一日唔結婚, 都唔可以居留, 工又唔做得, 仲有, 你bf拿綠卡娶你的話, 你要等好幾年先到你interview ga! 因為要interview 批左你, 你先可以有綠卡居留, 所以你bf入左籍先娶你係最好既方法! 或者你申請k1未婚妻visa先過去,不過只可留3個月, 3個月內一定要結婚, 我都係咁做,老公入左籍我先過去係美國結婚,結完申請居留, 由遞form到拿到咭, 3 個月咋!不過地區因人而異, 我有朋友係sf 等左半年, 希望幫到你啦
2006-10-31 1:46 am

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