
2006-10-29 7:02 pm
5.The number of members in a club increases from 40 to 60 .What is the percentage increase in the number of club members?
7.In a reading programme, the number of participants increases from 8 to 32. Find the percentage increase in participants.
9.The for 1L of diesel decreased from $4.5 to $3.6. Fnd the percentage decrease in price.
11.Find the new values after the changes.
a)120 increases by 20% then decreases by 20%
b)96 decreases by 50% then increases by 30%

回答 (3)

2006-10-29 7:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
5.The number of members in a club increases from 40 to 60 .What is the percentage increase in the number of club members?
(60 – 40) x 100%/ 40
= 50%

7.In a reading programme, the number of participants increases from 8 to 32. Find the percentage increase in participants.
(32 – 8) x 100%/ 8
= 300%

9.The for 1L of diesel decreased from $4.5 to $3.6. Fnd the percentage decrease in price.
(4.5 – 3.6) x 100%/ 4.5
= 20%

11.Find the new values after the changes.
a)120 increases by 20% then decreases by 20%
= 115.2

b)96 decreases by 50% then increases by 30%
= 62.4

2006-10-29 7:21 pm
5. the percentage increase :

7. the percentage increase :

9. the percentage decrease :

11a) the new value :

11b) the new value :
參考: me~
2006-10-29 7:16 pm
5. 60-40/40 X 100%
7 . 32-8 /8 X100%
9. 4.5-3.6 /4.5 X100%
11a) 120X(1+20%)X(1-20%)
b) 96X(1-50%)X (1+30%)
=48X 130%
參考: myself

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