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金絲桃草又稱貫葉連翹,直接英譯為聖約翰草(St. John's Wort)(學名hypericum perforatum),「St. John's Wort」名稱源自於六月二十四日的聖約翰日,聖約翰日前後是 金絲桃草黃色花朵的盛開期。早在西元前一世紀,羅馬的軍醫普諾士克來德(Proscurides)就開始以 金絲桃草來醫治疾病,到了中世紀期間, 金絲桃草的情緒安定作用更被認為具有驅邪、抵抗怪病的神奇效果(1)。 金絲桃草同時具有抗菌消炎作用,在歐洲的自然療法醫師也將 金絲桃草運用在抗菌消炎的臨床使用上,不過近年來, 金絲桃草主要是被運用在憂鬱及躁症的治療,截至目前為止,關於 金絲桃草在憂鬱症方面的臨床研究已有上百篇之多。
St. John's Wort is an easy to grow herb, with over three hundred of varieties. It is used primarily for medicinal purposes. St. John's Wort is believed to have been named after St. John the Baptist. It originated in Europe and Asia where it grew wild in woods, fields and along roadsides. Quickly spreading, St. John's Wort is found all over the U.S. To many farmers, it is a weed they try to keep out of their fields.
St. John's is a perennial herb that grows into a small shrub if allowed. With attractive leaves, it has clusters of bright yellow flowers that bloom from July through August.
How to Grow St. John's Wort:
Almost any area of your garden or flower bed will be acceptable to St. John's Wort. They grow well in full to partial sun, tolerating shade. They prefer moist, and light soils. Sandy and coarse soils are fine.
Being a perennial, St. John's Wort is hardy. But to assure a good start, it should be started outdoors after the last frost in your area.When seedlings are about two inches tall, thin or transplant them. Different varieties will require varying amounts of space.
Once started, these plants will grow well with little or no attention. Fertilizer always helps, but is only necessary in the poorest of soils. Just make sure to provide water during extended period of dry weather.
Harvest and dry the leaves and flowers. Store them in a cool, dry place.