
2006-10-29 6:12 pm
這是功課問題,please help me!

回答 (3)

2006-10-29 6:20 pm
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約翰·菲茨傑拉德·甘廼迪(John Fitzgerald Kennedy,1917年5月29日-1963年11月22日),通常被稱作約翰·F·甘廼迪(John F. Kennedy)、JFK或傑克·甘廼迪(Jack Kennedy),美國第35任總統,他的任期從1961年1月20日開始到1963年11月22日在達拉斯遇刺身亡為止。他是在美國頗具影響力的甘廼迪政治家族的一員,被視為美國自由主義的代表。在第二次世界大戰期間,他曾在南太平洋英勇救助了落水海軍船員,因而獲頒紫心勳章。甘廼迪在1946年~1960年期間曾先後任眾議員和參議員,並於1960年當選為美國總統,成為美國歷史上唯一信奉羅馬天主教的總統



參考: Yahoo Knowledge best answer
2006-10-29 6:22 pm
最年輕是Kennedy (age 43). and therere other info. that you might be interested of.

The oldest elected president was Reagan (age 69); the youngest was Kennedy (age 43). Theodore Roosevelt, however, was the youngest man to become president—he was 42 when he succeeded McKinley, who had been assassinated.

George W. Bush is our 43rd president, but there actually have only been 42 presidents: Cleveland was elected for two nonconsecutive terms and is counted twice, as our 22nd and 24th president.

Eight Presidents were born British subjects: Washington, J. Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, J. Q. Adams, Jackson, and W. Harrison.

Nine Presidents never attended college: Washington, Jackson, Van Buren, Taylor, Fillmore, Lincoln, A. Johnson, Cleveland, and Truman. The college that has the most presidents as alumni (six in total) is Harvard: J. Adams, J. Q. Adams, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Kennedy, and G. W. Bush (business school). Yale is a close second, with five presidents as alumni: Taft, Ford (law school), G.H.W. Bush, Clinton (law school), and G. W. Bush.

The ancestry of all 43 presidents is limited to the following seven heritages, or some combination thereof: Dutch, English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Swiss, or German.

The tallest president was Lincoln at 6'4"; at 5'4", Madison was the shortest.

Fourteen Presidents served as vice presidents: J. Adams, Jefferson, Van Buren, Tyler, Fillmore, A. Johnson, Arthur, T. Roosevelt, Coolidge, Truman, Nixon, L. Johnson, Ford, and George H.W. Bush.

James Buchanan was the only president never to marry. Five presidents remarried after the death of their first wives—two of whom, Tyler and Wilson, remarried while in the White House. Reagan was the only divorced president. Six presidents had no children. Tyler—father of fifteen—had the most.

Presidents Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, and Kennedy were assassinated in office. Assassination attempts were made on the lives of Jackson, T. Roosevelt, F. Roosevelt, Truman, Ford, and Reagan.

Eight Presidents died in office: W. Harrison (after having served only one month), Taylor, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, Harding, F. Roosevelt, and Kennedy. Presidents Adams, Jefferson, and Monroe all died on the 4th of July; Coolidge was born on that day.

Lincoln, Jefferson, F. Roosevelt, Washington, Kennedy, and Eisenhower are portrayed on U.S. coins. Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Jackson, Grant, McKinley, Cleveland, Madison, and Wilson are portrayed on U.S. paper currency.
2006-10-29 6:15 pm
Bill Clinton

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