
2006-10-29 3:48 pm

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 7:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
接軌可從不同範疇來說. 從政治上說, 歐,美所期望的是中國的政治制度走向開明. 這不是共產主義跟資本主義對壘的問題,而是能否在一國際間共同接受的基礎上溝通的問題. 中國常被指違反人權, 從這角度看, 中國當然不能和她們接軌.

從經濟上說, 歐美都指中國向她們廉價傾銷商品, 不讓人民幣自由對換等等. 看似無法接軌, 但說穿了是經濟利益的問題. 中國向她們輸出廉價貨品, 得益的是她們的國民, 她們當然不會笨到要中國貨賣貴些, 她們要求的是中國開放市埸, 讓她們的貨打進中國市埸. 但基於成本問題, 外國進口貨一般很難跟國產貨品競爭(除非是高價貨). 於是她們又批評中國企業剝削工人, 以極低成本生產貨品.

如前所述, 要接軌的應該是法規和國際慣例, 但歐美國家基於跟中國的貿易不平衡而批評中國, 很多時是想取得更多經利益, 而不是要中國完善制度.

說到貿易保護主義, 歐盟和日本比中國利害得多.
2006-11-01 4:07 am
China never OBEY the rules agree by international countries ....never respect copy right , human right . e.g. $300 a month salary for mainland workers .

China never develop new technology by herself . All the advanced technology are learned from Russia and USA ...etc .
參考: fact
2006-10-29 4:03 pm
it is because china is still developing, there is still large proverty, there's not much human rights in china, the life style, mind is different with the wetern countries, and some western countries are arrogant, they think they are the best, they think we chinese people are poor and cheap, their racist thinkings make them underestimate china

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