
2006-10-29 11:37 am
想要市場調查報告or d data可以prove到
(1) 香港人愈來愈重視health life
(2) 香港人愈來愈食甜品
(3) 甜野可以令人開心

用黎做marketing project

回答 (3)

2006-10-29 5:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. - lots of confrences on illness introduction
- lots of promotion from hospital for body check up
- government's promotion of healty diet
- lots of vitamins or supplements sold in department store prove that the market is big enough to attract them

2. - more and more dessert restaurant set up
- many hotel has buffet for dessert only
- lots of new ice cream brand from Europe was broungt into HK to prove that HK people like ice-cream, e.g. Geleto, Papaggolo

3. There is some article published before to prove that some eleement in chocolate or dessert will stimilate your hormos to make you happy, try to search from internet
2006-10-29 3:38 pm
1) 你係Yahoo用"健康"搜尋下關於香港人重視健康既新聞.2同3就未聽過, 點解你唔出去做下街訪去搵下data呢, 話晒都係市場調查.
2006-10-29 12:27 pm
this is a relaxing style of life
香港人愈來愈重視health lifecoz they live longer life n have to care more when they being longer elderly persons

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