想問澳洲悉尼的交通. 急!!

2006-10-29 8:30 am
我下個星期要去澳洲悉尼做嘢, 地点係 345 George Street, 請問由機場去這處要点樣坐車 ? 時間大約要多小?

Train ?
Bus ?
Taxi ? (好似好貴)


如果係Town Hall 或 Central station下車, 要再坐車或步行嗎?邊度可以找到 George Street 的 map ?

回答 (5)

2006-10-30 11:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
345 George Street 近 wynyard 站... 不過你都可以係 town hall 到落...

最好坐 train (如果你有時間) ---- 但係坐 train 都唔係好耐... 等 train 好彩既 2, 3 分鐘...唔好彩既 15 分鐘 - 20 分鐘不等... 坐車就因為 town hall 係最尾個站大約要 20 - 30 分鐘到.... 所以其實都幾快.... 但係係 town hall 行上去都要 5- 10分鐘去到你所講既目的地....但係你都可以係 Wynyard 到落車.... 就好近你所講既 345 george st....係 george st 既出口出.... 如果真係唔知既就問人...
由機場去 town hall或者 wynyard 價錢都一樣 ( single 既要 $ 13 ) 如果你唔係要朝早去既 ( 9:00am 前) 要 $17.3

map: 你所講既 345 george st

火車 map :

bus: 就唔好 la.... 肯定行好多不必行既路....

taxi : 都幾貴架.... 係 internetional airport 去 around $ 30- 50 不等.... 仲要第一次出門... taxi driver 肯定會屈得就屈.... 但係如果你 d 時間真係好急既.... 坐的時係唯一快 d....但係如果遇著早上 7:00 - 9:30或者係 afternoon 既 4:30- 7:00pm.... 肯定會好塞車....
參考: me
2006-11-01 11:12 pm
Bus too long way and you would miss the stop;
Taxi, transport jam and expense

By Train. The most nearly station is Martin Place Station, it is a commerical zone in Sydney. As this is commerical zone, there have 3 or 4 train lines will press this station.
Don't get off at Town Hall or Central Station, from Town Hall at least 15~20 minutes by wall if you know the direction.
Actually, 345 George Street is the cross with King Street, get off the train at Martin Place and through Exit George Street, the place you look at is opposite side of the station. Take it easy.

If you are take train from airport to Martin Place, transit at Central Station is the easier way rather than Town Hall. We can goto the line call City Circular.
2006-10-29 8:56 am
時間大約45 minutes to 1 hour.(計埋塞車時間). 位置好似係唐人街附近. 至於点樣坐車?? 因為o個邊好似剛改路, 最好去到機場至問人.
參考: 我朋友以前住o向澳洲悉尼
2006-10-29 8:40 am
2006-10-29 8:34 am
可以由機場坐火車到 Town Hall 或 Central station.



Taxi 大概AUD30

2006-10-29 19:42:44 補充:
坐火車的話應該在 Wynyard 落車

2006-10-29 19:44:19 補充:
Map 可以在www.whereis.com.au 找到Suburb 寫 SydneyState 選 New South Wales

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