
2006-10-29 7:33 am

回答 (4)

2006-10-29 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are many ways you can book a ticket;
1) Travel Agency - they will usually help you to find the lowest possible fares that meet your requirement... Like the lenght of staying, rather you may want to change the date of the ticket or not... The travel agency usually would check for the best for you... You can then pay the travel agency by credit card, cash or even cheque...
2) Airlines website - this option is usually more expensive... But the airlines will sell you the least restriction ticket on their web like no fees for change or date and longest staying time etc... But for Low Cost Airlines (LCC), they encourage passenger to book through internet so their fares would be cheapest through web... If you book on airlines website, you will have to pay by credit card... Or in some case, airlines Frequent Flyer Programme (FFP) mileage if you have the necessary mileage for the flight...
3) web-base travel agency - usually these web-base agency have no office... Like www.zuji.com or www.lastminute.com which provide a wide range of different airlines ticket with a minimum price... Since they only sell to you via internet, its usually cheaper and the conditional are not as bad as travel agency... But you have to use credit card to book that...
4) airlines office (airport/city) - you can book with them but their fares are usually most expensive but only with least restrictions... You can pay by either cash, cheque, credit card...
In most case, you will get a electronic ticket no matter if you are booking via any of the 4 options... With electronic ticket, you can print out from internet as your ticket will be sent to you by e-mail, but usually if you get a electronic ticket, you wont need it when you get to the airport as they will have the record in their computer...
But sometimes by option 1 or 4, you could get a paper ticket... With a paper ticket, you will have to show it with your passport when you get to the airport...
2006-10-29 9:18 pm
you can buy it online or from the travel agency in HK!
2006-10-29 7:58 am

即日先到機場買機票唔係唔得,但係價錢會好貴,而且好可能會無機位!!!!!!!何況你要係起飛前2個鐘頭到機場check in。

至於機票價錢,你可睇旅行社網頁作參考,而priceline, zuji亦可網上訂機票。
2006-10-29 7:36 am

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