
2006-10-29 6:31 am
想要平既地方output,但第一城個D相鋪都好貴,一張A4電腦output要成7,8蚊,A4彩色影印都成3蚊張,沙田附近有無D平D既地方output 呀?

回答 (2)

2006-10-29 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
Shatin is quite a big area. People from Ma On Shan also consider themselves as Shatin too. Where about are you.

Shatin itself is not cheap. Sometimes some products can be more expensive than Kowloon ( Mong Kok ). So it might be cheaper to go to Mong Kok.

There aren't that many photo processing shops in City one but there are one or two in Shatin, Hilton Plaza if you know where it is, kinda cheap for Shatin but I don't know the price.

Ma On Shan chould be cheaper than City One you can try Ma On Shan Plaza.

There is a Kodak inside Tai Wai train station but not sure if it is cheap. Otherwise there are one or two in Tai wai behind the main street ( cos I don't know the name of it but its the next one parallel to the main one as you come out iof the train station on your left.

After that you can try Tai Po, its cheaper than Shatin and Fan Ling is cheaper still.

Good luck.
2006-10-30 2:06 pm
你不如去中大print仲好啦, 嗰度OUTPUT不算太貴...而且你可以考慮去沙田中央圖書館print自己文件, 自己帶紙便ok,不用收費

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