有冇人肯親自幫我check grammer?? (唔用電腦文法檢查) thx~~

2006-10-29 5:21 am
Hong Kong does not have obviously four seasons.
We enjoy a mild climate in Hong Kong.
Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter are indifferent in here.
As Hong Kong people have their work and activities indoor most of the time,
We are more likely to adapt to the indoor temperatures, especially the temperatures, under air-conditioner.
As a result, no matter what the outdoor temperatures are, whether is girl or boy,
Hong Kong student wear sweaters throughout the year in school.

回答 (5)

2006-10-29 1:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong does not have four distinctive seasons.
(原句does not have obviously的問題是obviously是個adverb,是用來形容動詞to have:香港很明顯沒有四季。我相信那不是你想表達的意思,你該是指四季不明顯。)


Whethere in spring .... are in different here.
這句少了個主語,句子可以改成:Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are not much different (或:... are similar). 你不該用indifferent,因為那通常是指一個人沒有意見,並非是different的反意詞。

As Hong Kong people work and take activities indoors most of the time, ...
我提議你用to work and to take activities而非to have work and activities因為to have work的用法是說「有工作要做」,而你該是表達「工作」的意思,所以用直接動詞較佳。Indoor是形容詞,而indoors是副詞;在句子中用副詞較正確。

we are more accustomed to the inside temperature with air conditioning.
由於這是個分句,所以句子的we要寫小楷。To adapt to是適應,我覺得你該是表達習慣的意思,所以可以用to be used to或to be accustomed to。在說內外的氣溫時,慣用法是inside/outside temperature。受冷氣影響,可以寫with air-conditioning。Air-conditioner是冷氣機,在這句用法不太正確。

As a result, regardless of the outside temperature, students in Hong Kong, both girls and boys, wear sweaters in school throughout the year.
no matter what ... is 可以用regardless of代替,那樣文章較簡潔。室外氣溫只有一個,所以不可以用眾數。香港學生是統稱,所以要用眾數(students),而用法是「在香港的學生」( students in Hong Kong),而非把香港寫成形容詞。你想寫男或女學生,你該先寫了學生這個字,然後才加上附註是男和女生。句末的意思是終年都在校內穿毛衣,我覺得先寫in school比較好,因為那清楚表達你是寫他們在校內穿毛衣,那穿毛衣的情況是整年的。你原句是說他們整年穿毛衣,那穿毛衣是在校內發生的。

噢,記得文法是 grammar,沒有個e字的啊!
2006-10-29 7:27 pm
Hong Kong does not have obvious four seasons.
We enjoy a mild climate in Hong Kong.
Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter are indifferent here.
As Hong Kong people have their work and activities indoor most of the time,
we more adapt to indoor temperatures, especially the temperatures of air-conditioner.
As a result, no matter what the outdoor temperature is, Hong Kong student, both boys and girls, wear sweater throughout the year in school.
參考: no
2006-10-29 5:39 pm
1)首先你犯了一個香港人最容易犯的錯誤,因為香港並不是生物,所以在英文文化裏它不可擁有任何東西,只不過那些東西存有在它裏。好像我們不可以說,那卓子有一隻杯”The table has a cup”,而是說,有隻杯在那卓子上”There is a cup on the table”

所以你第一句應該寫成,There are no sharply distinct four seasons in Hong Kong. 或者也可以說 The four seasons in Hong Kong are not sharply distinct. (而且後句是比較更暢與正確的英文)

2)應該寫成We enjoy the mild climate in Hong Kong
3)The climates in spring, summer, autumn or winter are quite different here.
4)As people in Hong Kong(或者說Hong Konger,這英文是新字,但開始普遍)work and have their activities indoor most of time.


2006-10-29 11:56:21 補充:
5)We get used to(or are accustomed to) indoor temperature, especially air-conditioned temperature.6)As a result, whatever the outdoor temperature is, the students in Hong Kong will wear their sweaters in school throughout the year.

2006-10-29 11:58:00 補充:
無需講boy or girl,因為沒有註明的student已經包括男生與女生
2006-10-29 6:15 am
我都係憑自己ge e.lang 知識ga 咋....

Hong Kong does not have four obvious seasons.
We enjoy a mild climate in Hong Kong.
Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter are indifferent in here.
As Hong Kong people have their work and activities indoor most of the time,
We are more likely to adapt to the indoor temperature, especially the temperature under air-conditioners.
As a result, no matter how high the outdoor temperature is,
Hong Kong students, no matter girls or boys, wear sweaters throughout the year in school.
參考: 自己.....
2006-10-29 5:59 am
Hong Kong do not have obvious four seasons.
We enjoy a mild climate in Hong Kong.
Whether in spring, summer, autumn or winter is indifferent here.
As Hong Kong people have their work and activities indoor most of the time,
we more adapt to indoor temperature, especially the temperature of air-conditioner.
As a result, no matter what the outdoor temperature is, Hong Kong student, both boys and girls, wear sweater throughout the year in school.

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