英文一問 10分

2006-10-29 3:27 am

He was very lucky, because he was the only one could (survive) in the accident .

We should not (despise) other countries people. We should value all the people in the world.

He is very (dodgy), don't believe him!

My classteacher always (punishes) the naugthy boy in my class.

Today weather is very bad, it is very (blur), I can't see the way.

( ) 個D字一定要用

回答 (7)

2006-10-29 3:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 模糊;模糊不清的事物[S]
Everything becomes a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed.
2. 污點,污跡[C]
The letter had many blots and blurs.
1. 使模糊不清,使朦朧
Tears blurred her eyes.
2. 弄髒;玷污
I blurred my report by spilling milk on it.
1. 變模糊
Her eyes blurred with tears.
2. 沾上污跡

我建議Because of the fog, everything becomes blur, I cannot see my way/
It is a foggy day, everything becomes blur, I cannot see my way
2006-10-29 2:10 pm
第一句文法正確,但意思有問題。 Could survive是可能生還,我相信你說他幸運是因為他是唯一的生還者。

第二句的問是在other countries people。你該寫people from other countries。


第四句的問題是classteacher和the naughty boy。前者該用teacher便行。至於後者,問題是你沒有說過naughty boy是誰,所以用the就不正確。你可以改寫成My teacher always punishes whoever is naughty.(我老師懲罰頑皮的學生。)

2006-10-29 1:05 pm
He was very luck to be able to survive in the accident.

We should not despite people of other countries, on the other hand, we should respect every race.

He is very dodgy, I wouldn't believe him.

My class teacher always punishes the naughty boy in my class.

Today's weather is awful, I could not see my way in the foggy blur.

2006-10-29 05:29:19 補充:
1. need to use who to define (the only one) 2. (other countries people) is Chinese English3. begin the 2nd clause with the conjunction 'so' 4. class teacher should be 2 words5. blur is either a noun or a verb, you should use the adj blurry in.the 2nd clause.
參考: myself
2006-10-29 4:29 am
He was very lucky because he was the only one who could survive in the accident.
We should not despise the people of other country.We should value all the people in the world.
He is very silly ,don't believe him !
Myclassteacher always punishes the naughty boy in the class.
today's weather is very bad.It is very blur.I can't see the way clearly.
hope that i can hellp u la!
2006-10-29 4:06 am

我們不應該(輕視)其他鄉下人。 我們應該在世界上重視全部人們。

他非常是(冒風險),don&-#39; t相信他﹗


今天天氣非常壞,這非常是(使變模糊),我can&-#39; t 看見wy。
2006-10-29 4:03 am
He was very lucky, because he was the only one who could (survive) in the accident .

We should not (despise) other countries' people. We should respect all the people in the world.

He is very (dodgy), don't believe him!

My class teacher always (punishes) the naugthy boy in my class.

Today's weather is very bad, it is very (blur), I can't see the way.
2006-10-29 3:36 am
He was very lucky because he was the only one who could survive in the accident.
We should not despise the people of other country.We should value all the people in the world.
He is very silly ,don't believe him !
Myclassteacher always punishes the naughty boy in the class.
today's weather is very bad.It is very blur.I can't see the way clearly.
hope that i can hellp u la!^^

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