Kindly use SWOT analysis---Hong Kong

2006-10-29 2:40 am
Kindly use SWOT analysis---Hong Kong

回答 (1)

2006-11-07 2:24 am
✔ 最佳答案

1) Geographical location - Hong Kong located at the gate of Pearl River and the centre of Asia. 3 hours flight from Hong Kong can cover most of the Asian countries.

2) Good infrastructure - Hong Kong has good infrastructure in road, communication, electricity supply, ports, airports, etc.

3) Good people - Hong Kong people can speak both English and Chinese. Hong Kong people is open-minded to new things.

4) Wealthy society - Hong Kong is a wealthy society that the average deposits balance is high.

5) Common law. Hong Kong is a common law country and has independent courts.

6) Simple tax system. Hong Kong has simple tax system that helps businessmen not only saving tax but the time and costs to manage tax.

7) Strong financial system.


1) Poor innovation. Hong Kong people like to buy in newest thing rather than self-developed.

2) Education level. The average education qualifications in Hong Kong are not higher than other developed countries.

3) High property price and land price. That increase the costs of running business in Hong Kong.

4) Salaries of Hong Kong people are high.


1) Chinese enterprise uses Hong Kong as stepping stone to develop overseas market

2) Foreign enterprises use Hong Kong as stepping stone to develop China market

3) Hong Kong has the potential to be the world no. 1 financial centre.


1) Air pollution in Hong Kong threaten expatriates

2) Competition and challenges from Singapore, Shanghai and even Shenzhen

3) VAT

4) A weak and inefficient government

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 15:27:31
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