
2006-10-29 1:51 am
Five people was injured in a traffic accident last week.The accident was caused by the carelessness of a lorry driver who drove at high speed.The lorry then crashed into a bus.The passengers of both the taxi and the bus were injured and all of them were send to the hospital instantly.

以上passage is copy from book.

the carelessness of a lorry driver 可否改成 a careless lorry driver.佢呢到個 driver 第一次出現,唔係應該用 a 咩?

at high speed.at a high speed 會唔會順口的呢?定係個speed 呢個 noun 係唔洗加 a.

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Five people were injured in a traffic accident last week. The accident was caused by the carelessness of a lorry driver who drove at high speed. The lorry then crashed into a bus.The passengers of both the taxi and the bus were injured and all of them were sent to the hospital instantly.

the carelessness of a lorry driver 可否改成 a careless lorry driver. 可以。

你講 carelessness of a lorry driver 就要用 the , careless lorry driver, 就要用 a.

at high speed. 對。

"I drove at high speed to save my child from dying." So said Jabu Nhlapo, one of the seven people - including Pick 'n Pay chief executive Sean Summers - who were caught driving at high speed on the N3 freeway by Ekurhuleni metro police ...
www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1& click_id=13&art_id=vn20060815023848654C586251 - 68k -

The young man grabbed the car keys and drove at high speed through the suburb of Kallhaell, a 30-minute drive from the centre of Stockholm. “He was driving at an incredibly high speed,” Inspector Hans Strindlund said. ...
www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,2-1536094,00.html -

at a high speed. 都對 。

drove at a high speed and soon we reached their. house and I was shown to my room. I shall never. forget these cold days of early May. We had a. very nice party with Priscilla and Robin Hill and. Derek Bendall and his wife. ...
www.springerlink.com/index/J6HG35510P2030H2.pdf -

hey drove at a high speed, trying to avoid the bombing. The last car in the convoy had a tire blow out and landed in a ten-foot ditch, injuring several of the CPT members. An Iraqi stopped to help and took them to a small clinic in a ...
www.findarticles.com/p/articles/ mi_m1058/is_8_120/ai_100485667 - 29k

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