車保全保,total loss,有咩賠法?

2006-10-29 1:46 am
架車不幸 total loss。因爲可能同架車吾挾。可以賠錢嗎?會被打折嗎?

賠法一般是 “new to old" replacement。可以另選其他車型號、牌子嗎?


回答 (3)

2006-10-30 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) 只要是意外, 不涉及保單內的不保條款(如醉架), 就一定有錢賠.

2) 賠償不會被打折, 但會減免賠額(excess); 若買的保額超過車價, 保險公司只會賠車或車價. 若買的保額不足, 就按買的比例賠.

3) 車保賠法不一定是[new to old replacement], 通常只有新車才有機會是[new to old].

4) 至於你話可唔可以另選其他車型號、牌子,要看看保單.
In case of total loss of the Motor Car the Company will replace the Motor Car with a car of the same model and makewithout deducting any depreciation .......When the Insured chooses not to accept the replacement car of the replacement car is not available at the time of loss the Company will pay the Insured in accordance with the terms and conditionsof the Policy as if this extension does not apply.

若你的保險賠法真是[new to old replacement], 如果是這張保單,保險公司理論上只會賠番架同型號、牌子的車俾你. 如果你唔接受或果架車已無得買, 佢會賠錢, 但唔會再跟[new to old replacement] 條款賠, 即係賠二手價同你計折舊.

2014-10-23 10:05 pm
他之前遇到的問 題跟你一樣
2006-11-03 1:51 am
yes, you can get the claims, no discount as it is total loss.

The insurance company would buy you a new car with same model only.

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