
2006-10-29 1:08 am





回答 (2)

2006-10-29 1:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
當去吃房子時,您不喝, “駕駛部分”指定
 在商店旁邊核實的操作的零件以後,以它設法不提供酒的嘗試,同一個協會請求合作對參與小組例如吃房子。 “它指揮到假設它是甜的在飲用的駕駛知覺,那,它的改革希望變得固定作為全國行動”,那它做了。
 根據同一個協會,至於為這樣比賽比利時和荷蘭模型。 餐館等等多數沒有喝,您要求搭載伴侶的人,電話以期限的鍾愛“滾刀”。 在荷蘭,您說公民大約8它比較被承認。
 它在日本的接受事實主要事故由於飲用的駕駛互相跟隨,同一個協會和全國警察局審查介紹。 意味保護的“人伴侶的生活用方向盤”在被替代到滾刀的名字包括。 作為標誌,也牌子徽章的附上設計和象徵等是在構想在裏面中間

When going to the eating-house, you do not drink, “driving part” designation

 As for all the Japanese traffic safe associations the companion who visits the eating-house as a measure of drinking driving, designates the operational part which beforehand does not drink the liquor embarks on the spread of “steering wheel keeper motion”.

 After store side verifying operational part, with the attempt which it tries not to offer the liquor, the same association requesting cooperation to participation group such as eating-house. “It directs to the reformation of the consciousness which assumes, that it is sweet in drinking driving, it would like to become fixed as a national motion”, that it has done.

 According to the same association, as for such match Belgium and Holland the model. The restaurant and the like of most without drinking, you ask the person who delivers the companion, call with term of endearment “of the hob”. In Holland, you say that the citizen approximately 8 it is comparatively acknowledged.

 It accepts the fact that the major accident due to drinking driving follows one another, the same association and the National Police Agency examining the introduction in Japan. Meaning “of the person who protects the life of the companion with the steering wheel” was included in the name which is substituted to the hob. As a marker, makes attach also design of the badge and the emblem etc is in the midst of devising inside the store
2006-10-29 1:16 am
當去吃房子時,您不喝, 「駕駛部分」指定
 在商店旁邊核實的操作的零件以後,以它設法不提供酒的嘗試,同一個協會請求合作對參與小組例如吃房子。 「它指揮到假設它是甜的在飲用的駕駛知覺,那,它的改革希望變得固定作為全國行動」,那它做了。
 根據同一個協會,至於為這樣比賽比利時和荷蘭模型。 餐館等等多數沒有喝,您要求搭載伴侶的人,電話以期限的鍾愛「滾刀」。 在荷蘭,您說公民大約8它比較被承認。
 它在日本的接受事實主要事故由於飲用的駕駛互相跟隨,同一個協會和全國警察局審查介紹。 意味保護的「人伴侶的生活用方向盤」在被替代到滾刀的名字包括。 作為標誌,也牌子徽章的附上設計和象徵等是在構想在商店裡面中間。

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