
2006-10-29 12:38 am
其實係我男朋友既前女友想揾我男朋友..可能想同番我男朋友一齊..(我覺得)..雖然我男友答應我唔會做對我唔住既事..但係我覺得男友心裡面係有掛住佢個ex.g.f ...其實男人係點諗?我唔開心呀..唉......其實男人係點諗

回答 (4)

2006-10-29 2:16 am
其實呢d ye都係你自己認為ga姐~
你5 gum諗咪冇事lor~我知係好難...
2006-10-29 2:01 am
hai...if your bf wanna be together with his ex, there's no way for you to avoid that happening. Right?...

my ex bf told me that too.

when i was with him, he asked me for permission for going out with his friends (including his ex gf), he told me that they're just friends. OF COURSE, at the time, i trust him, that's why i told him to go. Even tho i didn't like it, i know he wanted to go, so i let him go. After the date, i asked him did he talk to his ex, he said no. but guess what, few weeks ago, i met my friend (who went out with them), she told me that my bf talked to his ex, and asked her to be together with him again!!!...

so there's no guys could be trust in the world
2006-10-29 1:41 am
2006-10-29 1:04 am
參考: me

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