Paying by credit card when shopping in Europe URGENT!!

2006-10-28 10:40 pm
Will go to Europe soon, can anyone tell me which bank have better rate and without extra handling fee? Is it better to pay in cash instead of credit card?

回答 (3)

2006-10-29 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
首先, 所有香港信用卡到外地簽賬, 全部都要收 "海外簽賬附加費", 費用如下:
VISA: 1.75 %
MASTER: 1.95%
即係話, 如果一件貨物, 折算為港幣是 100 蚊的話. 用 VISA 簽賬就要比 101.75 蚊. 用 MASTER 簽賬就要比 101.95 蚊.
至於匯率方面. 其實係唔關銀行事的. 因為匯率係由卡公司, 即 VISA 或 MASTER 通知銀行的. 即係話如果你有 5 張 VISA 卡, 你用是但一張, 匯豐又好, CITIBANK 又好, 恆生又好, 大家既匯率係會一樣的, 你要比既錢都會係一樣, 沒有分別的.
根據以上推論, 用 VISA 卡係會抵 D 的. 但當然係 CASH 仲抵啦 !! 因為沒有 "海外簽賬附加費"
唔信既, 你可以打電話問 CARD CENTRE 的...

2006-10-28 18:23:56 補充:
上面既朋友, 你有一點誤會左. CARD CENTRE 係唔會等一個月先折回港幣的. 匯率係計單既日子. 例如你 10 號簽卡, 12 號返單, 30 號出月結單. 匯率係計 12 號 VISA 公司通知銀行的匯率, 而唔係計出月結單日的 !!
2006-10-29 2:56 am
I agree with what cm_ho said.... I am using Hang Seng bank credit card now, no admin fee at all, the exchange rate will be count the day that you purchase, some of the big store will tell you the rate in HK$ before you sign the bill...

well, what cm_ho said that you better to phone up to the card centre that you will use the credit card in europe. My friend used her Hang Seng card in Paris LV shop and the sales lady told us that her card did not allow to take any credit. She went back to HK and phoned to card centre that her card did not work due to the security reason (becuase she did not use that card much, and the amount was only HK$15,000). But at the same time I used my Heng Seng card at the same shop, there was no problem at all.

You better to call the card centre to clarify your question.
參考: Just shop in Paris and London 2 wks ago
2006-10-28 11:21 pm
There will be no charge when you pay by credit card in Europe. Any card is fine. However, you need to inform the bank that you are going to Europe because it is easier for the shops in Europe to get the code for your card. It is better to pay in Cash instead of by card because the exchange rate used by the bank is very bad, and that you expose yourself to an exchange risk. For instance, if the exchange rate of Eur to HK is 9.725 when you are buying goods in Europe, and when the time you receives the credit card bill.....which usually is 1month later, the Eur goes up to 9.950, then it means you were buying the goods in a more expensive price. Of course, it could be the reverse case.

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