Medical Laboratory Technician

2006-10-28 10:23 pm
我在一則求職廣告 Medical Laboratory Technician II 看到: "Holding a valid license issued by the Hong Kong Medical Laboratory Technologist Board"

這個LICENSE ,要通過考試得到的嗎?

有冇人做過這樣之類的工, like work in the laboratory, researcher, researcher assistance about medical/ biology/ biotech...難唔難找 (in HK)
什麼職位都可以, 高職/低職.

在香港, 有邊到可以找到這些工? 人工 (職位) 大概幾多?

回答 (1)

2006-10-28 11:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Q1: 這個LICENSE ,要通過考試得到的嗎? 要否去讀什麼課程先?

Ans: u have 2 methods:

1. u need to take an examination hold by 醫 務 化 驗 師 管 理 委 員. If u ar working in a laboratory(but the post ar not a MLT) and your boss support u to become a MLT, u can become a MLT by taking the exam(u must get pass sin ok wor).

2. U can study the degree course title: BSc (Hons) in Medical Laboratory Science. After graduation of the course, u will automatic meet the requirement of MLT board and get the lisence.

Q2: laboratory, researcher, researcher assistance about medical/ biology/ biotech...難唔難找

Ans: difficult to tell u, becoz it is very depends on your performance of your interview, your school results and the kinds of skill the company needed. I am working as a MLT. I tell u my feeling is not too difficult, but u know there ar many competitors to apply the same job la.

In public hospitals: Medical Laboratory Technician II -- Medical Laboratory Technician I --- Medical Technologist --Senior Medical Technologist --- Department Manager.
In private lab/ hospital: usually MLT II--- MLTI ---MT
Remark: If u further study Master / PhD, u may try to apply Scientific Officer or research officer.
In university: Research Assistant II---Research Assistant I

Q3: 在香港, 有邊到可以找到這些工?

I think u see Hospital Authority, university(e.g. HKU, CU, polyu) and Government(Department Health, Argulture and fish dept) websites

Q4: 人工 (職位) 大概幾多?
Ans: Roughly salary pay,
MLT II $10000-20000(public hospital, also depends on your working experience)
MLT I $22000-25000
MT $25000-33000
SMT $33000-48000
SO/RO $26000-40000 ~ i am not too sure
RAII $11000-18000
RAI $18000-22000

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