Sulphur dioxide

2006-10-28 9:52 pm
I want to ask the following questions concerning Sulphur Dioxide:
1. Will Sulphur dioxide turn lime water ( Ca (OH)2 ) milky. Why?
2. Will Sulphur dioxide bleaches a wet blue litmus paper to colorless? Why?
3. When Chlorine is compared with Sulphur dioxide, Which one have a stronger bleaching action? Why?
Thanks a lot for your help! :)

回答 (3)

2006-10-30 3:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Sulphur dioxide will NOT turn limewater milky as CaCO3 is colourless when dissolve in water.

2. It turns wet blue litmus paper into red, and bleach it into colorless over a long period of time. It is because of its reducing property.

3.Comparing with chlorine, sulphur dioxide is WEAKER in bleaching. It is because chlorine is a strong agent to carry out redox reaction.

2006-10-29 19:34:48 補充:
Sulphur dioxide is a covalent compound.Chlorine is in simple molecular structure but not giant covalent structure.
2007-04-30 10:17 am
Blurred and wrong answer.
2006-10-29 12:37 am
1.Sulphur dioxide will not turn lime water ( Ca (OH)2 ) milky because sulphur dioxide is ionic bond so cannot take reaction with Ca (OH)2

2. Sulphur dioxide will bleaches a wet blue litmus paper to colorless because its atoms are held by strong ionic bond.

3.Chlorine have a stronger bleaching action because it is gaint covalent structure

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