What's problem of this sentence?

2006-10-28 6:23 pm
See this sentence:
I used many times to study.
whats the problem????

回答 (4)

2006-10-28 6:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
time 係數唔到, 唔可以用 many.
而且 time 加 s, 個意思係完全唔同.
time 可以解時間或次數, 但若加 s , 就一定係解次數.
你可以試諗下, 時間是否可數到?
既然數不到, 就不可用 many.
I used much time to study.
use 解 [用], 全句你想表達的是:
但英文會講成: 我花了很多時間溫書.
I spent lots of time to study.
2006-10-29 3:06 pm
Wow! many suggestions here. Let me give you my opinion.

I think the best answer given so far is from the girl from 女拔:
I spent a lot of time studying. (She is describing the amount of time spent on a process, so there is no need to use the preposition, 'on' in this sentence. Spend time DOING SOMETHING. However, we need to use the prepositon 'on' if it is followed by a noun, SPENT TIME ON + NOUN, see the alternative answer at the bottom)

I also agree with the last person that 'spent' is a better word than 'used' to be used in this sentence.

One thing I would like to draw your attention to is, although much is a correct quantifier to be used with time, it is normally used in questions or sentences with negative meaning.

E.g Do you spend much time on your study?
I don't spend much time studying.

I don't think 'I spent much time on study' is grammatical correct. If the preposition 'on' is used, it has to be follwed by a noun. 'Study' should be plural as you don't just do one study. You also need a determiner for the noun, 'studies'. So an alternative sentence is:

I spent a lot of time on my studies.
參考: myself
2006-10-28 7:46 pm

1. 時間不是工具﹐本身是不能被使用的﹐所以不能用USED﹐我們只是支出時間去兌換其他東西﹐因此可改為SPENT。

2. 因前面改用"spent"﹐使用"spent"的正確句式應是 SPENT + sth + ON + 名詞﹐所以後面的 TO 需改為 ON
(另外﹐其實使用 USED + sth + TO 後應跟 動詞﹐而STUDY在此句中是subject﹐所以本身使用 TO 也不當﹐需改用 FOR 。用USED的例句︰I used his dictionary for study)

3. Time一般是uncountable的﹐不可在後加 S﹐除非是當 TIME 解作"次數"時﹐才是countable的。但由於你的sentence中是指 時間﹐所以不應加 S 。同一道理﹐MANY 是用在countable的名詞﹐對於sentence中uncountable的 TIME﹐應該改用作 MUCH。

I spent much time on study
2006-10-28 6:35 pm
Time is UNCOUNTABLE, so you cannot say many times. You can only say much time or a lot of time.

I suggest you to say
I used a lot of time to study or I spent a lot of time studying

Believe me! I study in DGJS(女拔)! I am the best of my class! I got no.1 english prize in the past 4 years!
參考: Brighter Grammar Book 2

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