I have got a really serious problem.......plz help me

2006-10-28 10:12 am
Today i tried to turn on my laptop, however, there is no any picture on the screen, even the IBM THINKPAD logo. After I press the power button, it just on, but no any picture, and i wait wait wait, nothing come up as well.........definitely i didn´t turn the monitor off ( and there is no way for me to turn off the monitor as it is a laptop, a notebook), but it was definitely fine last night.

So what is the problem? How can i use my laptop again??

回答 (3)

2006-10-28 10:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

I though your laptop's screen has connection problem with your laptop mainboard, it's usually hardware error, cannot fix by yourself. By the way, you can do some selftest first (make sure the PC is still alive!).

Is the computer can boot up the Windows? Why I ask this, because I want to make sure that is not the software problem of the laptop. I suggest you use an external monitor to test your lapton like LCD Monitor or CRT Monitor.

How to do it? You have to plug the LCD / CRT monitor's cable onto your laptop before you turn on your PC. And, find the laptop monitor signal switching function key, it is usually a Blue Function key "Fn" + monitor/laptop screen icon key on your laptop keyboard, in case, my laptop's monitor signal icon is on "F3".

How to use that key? The function has 3 modes, 1.Lapton Monitor Only, 2. External Monitor Only, 3. Both laptop and external monitor. You can try to press / hold the key during your laptop is starting up (repeate to use that Fn + function key, the model will be switch recyclely). Meanwhile, your external LCD/CRT monitor SHOULD receive the laptop monitor signal. If yes, that's your laptop's LCD's problem, call your vendor, else I've no idea yet.
2006-10-30 10:35 pm
Here is the information that provided "as-is" ... you may take it as reference :

In order to display something on the lcd panel ... you need a motherboard (build-in display), a lcd panel, connection cable & a inventor. Normally once u have powered on the notebook, the mohterboard will start working, do a POST and finally a BEEP sound can be heard. If you even cannot hear any BEEP sound from your notebook, probably the motherboard is in trouble rather than the lcd screen. If you can hear the BEEP sound but you cannot see anything on the screen, try to connect the notebook to the external VGA monitor. If you cannot see anything on your external monitor, that means your display card on the motherboard or other parts have problems. If u can see things on the external monitor, u should focus on the notebook lcd panel ... the problems maybe : 1. the inventor (responsible for the light of the lcd panel together with the light tube) is dead and/or 2. your lcd panel is dead ...

hope this helps ... thx
2006-10-28 10:22 am
I have the same experience before.I think the monitor is out of work. Is it still under the warrantee period ? if not you have to carry the laptop to the shop for checking. If the monitor need to be changed which charges arround HKD3000...... if not....I am afraid more. please send email to : [email protected] if you need further computer maintance worker help.
Good Luck.

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