about Bauhinia blakeana(洋紫荊)...翻譯...!

2006-10-28 7:23 am
19世紀末期,在香港發現了一個新物種——洋紫荊。由於其生性特別,會開花而不會結果,故被用作香港的象徵,其學名更以時任香港總督卜力的名字(Sir Henry Arthur Blake)命名(Bauhinia blakeana)。1960年代被市政局採納為標誌、並於1965年被選為香港的市花.

最好翻譯by yourselves....

回答 (2)

2006-10-28 3:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the late 19th century, a new flower species discovered in Hong Kong, the Cercis Chinensis. Because its unique natural disposition, blossom but no fruit, it serves as Hong Kong's symbol. Its systematic name by appointed Hong Kong Governor Sir Henry Arthur Blake, as Bauhinia blakeana. In the 1960's, Bauhinia was chosen as the Hong Kong City Council logo. Later in 1965, Bauhinia became the offical flower of Hong Kong.
2007-06-27 2:56 am
係In 1960!唔係In the 1960's呀!

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