
2006-10-28 7:08 am
香港星光大道 (Avenue of Stars),是位於香港九龍尖沙咀東的海濱長廊。有關長廊本來已經存在,用以連接紅磡及尖沙咀。後來得到政府撥款美化,並在2004年4月27日開幕。為表揚香港電影界的傑出人士,大道上有他們的手掌印,亦作為一個香港旅遊景點。

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2006-10-28 9:29 am
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Avenue of Stars, is located in the seashore corridor of East Tsim Sha Tsui in Kowloon. This corridor is existed for a long time and used for connecting Hum Hom and Tsim Sha Tsui. From time to time, it received a government funding for rennovation, and had been grand opened in 27th of April 2004. In order to praise the great achievement of outstanding Hong Kong movie stars, thier hand print would be printed on the corridor. Now, it is one of the most critical scenic spot of Hong Kong.

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