有無人識relative clause 救命呀
回答 (2)
簡單 d 黎講, relative clause 係一個用黎修飾一個名詞的 clause. 例如o係 [The man who wasn’t there.] 裏面, [who wasn’t there] 就係用黎修飾個 noun [the man] o既. 又例如o係 [He is the teacher who teaches English] 裏面, [who teaches English] 就係用黎 modify 個 [teacher] 的.
好多時呢 d relative clause 都係用一 d relative pronouns 去帶出黎o既, 好似頭先o個句提到o既 WHO 咁, 有時亦都會用 which, that, where 等字去帶出一個 relative clause.
[以上資料係由 wikipedia 搵返黎的, 但因為好似有好多 terms, 所以o係度再解釋一下]
relative clause=who, which, that
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