哪可以買幾米的精品喔? ( 香港/台北 )

2006-10-28 5:39 am
之前看過apm有幾米的精品賣... 除了apm 請問有無人知道 台灣/香港其他地方邊度有得買幾米的音樂盒? thank you

回答 (2)

2006-10-28 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
HK book fair with various items. i think it's the best place. if not, you can try some 千色店 counters or mongkok book stores.
or another way is that you can buy online.

2006-10-27 21:48:55 補充:
for taiwan, 誠品.
2006-10-28 5:55 am

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