Weekend 的正確讀法

2006-10-28 1:25 am
想請教下大家”weekend” 一字的正確讀法??

話說今日,有一位專業人士在電梯內與朋友談話(律師),當中有提及weekend此字...聽他讀成”week and”...

而我一向會讀成”week ken”...係咪我讀錯呢..?但我間唔中就聽到外國人咁讀,反而”week and”就好似未...是否兩種讀法都正確呢?
查字典找不到正確答案係因為 我唔係咁識字典內既拼音,而唔敢肯定對錯,所以希望有人能幫下手...教答小弟呢個小問題. thx

回答 (6)

2006-10-28 6:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
the word *weekend* should be pronounced as *week-en*
as the *-en* is said with the *k*
so you dont need two *k*s ------------------ *week ken* is not quite right
the two words shouldnt be split up!

if you pronounce it as *week and*, its fine...
because you can always change the sound of the sentence in english
the word *and* is pronounced as the same as *end*
but the most important is that you have to say the last word together with the *k* so it sounds like one word!
參考: myself
2006-10-30 7:26 pm
and 的音是/ænd/ 而 end則是/εnd/,兩個音接近,但並非相同。記得,weekend是有個d字在末部,不要忘記那個音。唸weeken是少了一個音。
2006-10-28 1:34 am
2006-10-28 1:33 am
你沒錯...專業人士用錯左(and)...因為the end 個end令佢搞錯左0 教我英文老師都係readweek ken
參考: me
2006-10-28 1:32 am

week ken

想聽下正確發音, 去呢個網址:
2006-10-28 1:30 am
我通常都係讀week end
平時聽親d miss同d外籍老師都係同我一樣係讀week end的

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