出 e-mail 問題 ? 急 ?

2006-10-28 1:13 am
我想出 e-mail 問客人取回匯款單據 ! ( 因我未曾同此客人有過 e-mail 來往的 ) 這樣出 e-mail , 是否 ok ?

Dear xxx ,

Would you pls fax the remittcance copy to our reference, thanks !!

xxxxx / Account Dept

回答 (6)

2006-10-28 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear xxx,
Would you please faxing me the remittcance copy for our reference? Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,(用長寫比較禮貌)
xxxxx / Accounts Deparment(你漏了s字)
xxx Co., Ltd
參考: 我寫開給客人的
2006-10-28 1:42 am
第一次就出份咁嘅email,有啲冇厘啦更,禮貌啲好啲,話哂都未有過 email 往來,仲有,為方便人家做嘢,畀啲details比人,人地要揾畀你架,如果唔係,對方實媽媽聲。

Dear XXX,

I refer to your remittance dated xxx of the amount of $xxx in favour of our company. For our reference, we would be much grateful if you could kindly fax us a copy of your remittance receipt. Our fax number is xxxxxxxx.

Your kind attention is very much appreciated.
Thanks and regards,

Accounts Department
XXX Company
禮多人不怪嘛!Business email 係咁虛偽架喇。

P.S. No need to introudce yourself 咁老套, it is understood when the recipient sees your electronic signatory. Also, your grammar has to be correct. I can see some obvious grammatical mistakes from some of the answers above. You should feel ashame if the recipient can spot a number of mistakes in such a short letter.

2006-11-01 15:02:04 補充:
哎!錯文法,would 後面要用 bare infinitive,即只可以用 would you please fax me。你寫開給客人咁樣唔代表啱。
2006-10-28 1:31 am
Dear XXX,

I am [your name] from [your company name]. Pls fax the remittance receipt (dated on [the receipt date]) to [your fax no.] for our reference.

If you have any queries, please contact me at [your phone no.].

Thanks a lot!

B. Regards,
xxxxx / Account Dept
參考: 我係公司都係咁樣出ga~
2006-10-28 1:23 am
ok la,if they see your send him the things
2006-10-28 1:22 am
Dear xxx ,

Would you pls fax the remittance copy to us for reference, thanks !!

xxxxx / Account Dept
2006-10-28 1:20 am

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