請問 ( 行內人) 的英文點串

2006-10-28 12:13 am
請問 ( 行內人) 的英文點串

回答 (3)

2006-10-28 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
In line human

2006-10-27 16:48:57 補充:
香港電影正在衰退,行內人歸咎於侵權行為The Hong Kong movie is declining,In the line the human puts the blame on the abuse of authority
2006-10-28 12:19 am
Expert(s) of XXX ( 那方面的專家 )
Professional(s) 專業人士
2006-10-28 12:18 am
inside-person (知內情的人)
professional (在行內專案人員)
in-field(行內人) e.g This seminar is tailor made for those infield person.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 18:06:09
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