1. In what way is zipper important to human beings?
2. In which year was it invented?
3. Who is the inventor?
4. Can you briefly describe his work?
5. Write down anything else you have found out about him/her that you think is worth writing down.
6. Any change or modification in the product after it is first invented?
7. I get the above information from these sources/websites:
中文版 1. 點解拉鏈對人類咁重要.? 2. 拉鏈幾時發明架? 3. 邊個係發明拉鏈既人? 4. 你可唔可以簡單咁講下佢既發明? 5. 仲有咩野你搵到而又值得講既呢? 6. 拉鏈發明之後有無任何既轉變呢? 7. 你從邊到得到呢d資料?