
2006-10-27 8:35 pm

回答 (2)

2006-10-27 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
in my opinion, knowledge is something to help us differenciate the pros and cons. I believe that the 1st human in the world do not born with knowledge but learn or experience things when he grew up.
I do not agree that 调查, 分析, 象控制论 is knowledge.These methods are analyzing tools to help you to understand the current situation,to update you the latest result and maybe a tool to prove that your theory whether is right or wrong.
If it is right and being accepted by many people, this theory will become a knowledge, just like the professor run research and confirm the result is right and being accepted by the community, then will publish it and Students like us will read and take it as a knowledge.

I believe 人性 will affect our judgement on something but not necessary is 知识.

anyway, the above just my personal opinion.

Found a article quite interesting, maybe you can have a look.
2006-10-28 8:58 pm

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